So you’ve decided you want to build your own website. Where to from here?
Firstly, you need to register your domain name, the url you’ll use to access your website. This should be as close to your business name as possible.
Secondly, you will need to find yourself a host. A host manages the files needed to access your website. Find a host that has great speed, security and support. You don’t need to pay a lot for hosting and don’t feel like you need more space than you do, there is always scope to upgrade. Make sure they support the CMS you’re planning to use such as WordPress.
Once you’ve got your domain name registered and have signed up with a host you can begin setting up your new website. If you’re planning on using WordPress install it on your host.
You’ll then need to choose a theme within WordPress to start building your website. For added functionality, add plugins to your backend. There are lots of tutorials online to teach you how to build a WordPress website from scratch.
Always keep your themes and plugins updated to avoid your website crashing. WordPress can be set to update automatically and plugin developers should be ensuring their plugins are up to date with the latest WordPress updates. If not, you’ll encounter problems with your site. Paid plugins usually have support and they will respond pretty quickly to any issues you’re having with the plugin, they also update their plugins inline with WordPress updates. Free plugins don’t have support included and emailing them may not get a response. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use free plugins, it just means be aware of what you’re getting.